Golden Gate
2276 Golden Gate Drive
Greensboro, NC

Golden Gate is a 151,371 square foot retail shopping center spanning 11.5 acres and features a diverse mix of national, regional, and local tenants.

Suite Sq Footage
7 5,077
9/10/11 4,433

Carla Trepper, Senior Director
Lee & Associates | Raleigh-Durham
(919) 576-2516 Direct
(919) 625-4656 Cell

Jenn Olevitch-Roberson, Vice President
Lee & Associates | Raleigh-Durham
(919) 576-2517 Direct
(919) 345-1752 Cell

Suite Tenant Sq Footage
1 Omni Nail School 2,416
2 VIP Nails 1,670
3 Rascal’s Tavern 1,550
4 Beautisa 30,248
5 H&R Block 1,600
6 Vito’s Restaurant 2,845
8 Expressions Clothing Outlet 7,500
9/10/11 AVAILABLE 4,433
12 Planet Fitness 24,038
13 ZC Hawaiian BBQ 2,609
14A Boost Mobile 2,016
14B Reef Architects 2,016
15 Greensboro Discount Tobacco 2,600
17/18 Carriage House Antiques 9,901
19 Food Lion 32,565
20 Shrimply Delicious 1,929
21 Sparkle City Laundry 3,234
22 Top of the Line Barbershop 1,400
23 Golden Pizza & Subs 2,800
24 North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles 2,524
26 Educational Playtime Too 6,400